Social Media Marketing using Zero Click Content

by | February 7, 2023 | Digital Marketing

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Zero-click content keeps people on the site they’re consuming. There’s no call to action or links to another website. The reader isn’t required to click anything or go anywhere else. Zero-click content is possibly the highest priority content on any social media network for social media marketers because it’s what social media platforms that are competing for their customer’s attention are focused on rewarding.

Imagine you’re a small business owner and you’re new to social media. You’ve heard social media is where you get more sales. It’s where The People are — and your customers are people. Therefore, you’re going to sign up for social media, connect with your customers, and make more sales. You’re broadcasting links to your products and website. You’re advertising to your customers. You’re doing social media marketing, but the result is nothing’s happening.

You’re doing social media, so what’s going wrong?

Well, content that’s promoting your website probably isn’t reaching as many people as you think. Social platforms aren’t propping up content that sends people away from them. As in, Facebook isn’t going to boost your post that takes people to another website as much as your post that keeps that person clicking around Facebook. According to Sparktoro, a marketing research company, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, and TikTok all prioritize native content and that means zero-click.

As a small business owner, what that means for you is if you want to earn new customers through social media it’s going to be worth your time to actively participate and invest time growing your social media channels as social media and not as flat-out advertisements for your brand. It’s more or less the same message social media networks have always sent across, but when zero-click content is being given higher levels of visibility across your audience’s content feeds it’s a no-brainer for your digital marketing strategy to adopt a tactic that’s working.

Floyd Hartford is a website developer from southern Maine. He's focused on creating and building WordPress websites and loves spending time digging into code like HTML, CSS, scss, jQuery, PHP, and MySQL.


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